Friday, July 25, 2008

Have a Green weekend!

Hope you all have a great green weekend! Hit up the farmers markets, go shop with canvas bags in hand and skip Starbucks and have some fair trade brew instead (all great ways to get involved in our challenge! Click here for more information)
And if you have a chance sign this DoNotMail petition "Return to sender, address unknown..." Oh sorry, I told ya'll I'm an Elvis fan right ;)
Keep it green!


Jessica said...

Have a great weekend girl!!

Mandi said...

Hope u have a great weekend Amber. I was just at the grocery store for some snacks and forgot my bag in the car so I just carried everything in my hands lol. I made it to the car without dropping anything.

suzy Lane said...

Amber thanks for keeping me always thinking.... I went to two stores today, and carried out my stuff w/o a bag

Rachel said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog and love being as Green as I can :) Recently I bought an epilator - no disposable razors from me anymore! :)

Amber said...

Go Mom and Mandi! Going bag less, I am so proud. =)

Thanks for the comment Rachel! Cutting down on disposal razors is a great way to go green! I recently got a razor sharpener so old blades can be used over and over. And lucky for me, I have blonde hair so I don't have to shave all that often.