Sunday, July 27, 2008

California Keeping the Oceans Clean

The LA times published a great article about a proposed policy to keep California's oceans clean. California leaders are recommending a strict state policy including a smoking ban statewide on beaches, forbidding fast food restaurants from distributing plastic foam cups and it also recommends banning plastic bags.

"An estimated 19 billion plastic bags are distributed in California each year. Fewer than 5% are recycled." The article warns that the banning of plastic bags would produce more CO2 to transport paper bags,but it fails to mention that canvas bags are the best option. But we already knew that =)

Hopefully legislation like this catches on quick. If China can ban plastic bags, it is time for the US to step up to the plate.. Click here for the article.
Keep it Canvas =)


Mandi said...

That's awesome. I hope the US is on its way to banning plastic bags.

Shana said...

Way to go Cali!

Shana said...

p.s. -- I just read Portland's mayor is proposing a $0.20/bag tax on plastic bags!

Step by step...

Amber said...

Oh that is awesome Shana!
So do I Mandi!

Andi said...

Yay policy makers!!!

Andi said...
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erynn said...

I took the nastiest picture of trash in the ocean the other day. It's disgusting!